What is a domain name?

A domain name is simply an address on the Internet. Rather than having to remember a difficult series of numbers (for example,, you can just type in a textual address, such as WorldSite.ws.

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What is the difference between Top Level Domains, Second Level Domains and Subdomains?

The following picture shows the relationship between the various components of a domain name.

Each part of a domain name is separated by a period, or a "dot." The top level is the part of the domain that is to the right of the last dot. In this case, "WS." At each level, the owner of that level gets to decide whether or not there will be any more levels below. 

Underneath the top level is the second level. This is the part that you, as an individual or company, can register for your own use. Third and higher levels are possible, but the ability to use them is often decided by where you choose to host your domain name and how much control you have over the setup of the host computer. Ultimately, you decide if there will be any levels below your domain.

A subdomain is a functional subsystem of the domain such as a mail server (mail.yourname.ws), file server (ftp.myname.ws), or web server (www.myname.ws).

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Why would I want a domain name?

If you spend any amount of time on the Internet, you could benefit from owning your own domain name. Whether you surf casually or for business, having a domain name provides a unique and direct way for everyone to contact you. Even if all you do is share email with some friends or relatives, it's easier to say "Email me, my address is john@doe.ws" instead of "my address is johnd3351@really.confusing.isp.com."

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Can I register a domain and keep my personal information private?

That depends on who you choose to register your domain name!

If you register one of the traditional domains like ".COM", ".NET" or ".ORG", the answer is no. Once you register one of those domains, anyone in the world can get your address or phone number by doing a "whois" search on your domain name.

If you register a name with WorldSite.ws, however, your personal privacy is one of our highest concerns. Your personal contact information is given out only under the strictly specified circumstances. What we offer you instead, is a safe and secure way to be contacted. If someone looks up your domain name on our Name Search server, they can leave a private message for you. You can then choose whether or not to contact them.

Only under extreme circumstances, such as a legal issue or a trademark dispute, if all other attempts to contact you have failed, will your address and telephone number be disclosed to the disputing party, after they have submitted proof of identification. 

Of course, we must disclose any information about any of our customers if ordered to do so by a court of law.  

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